Tuesday, July 9, 2013

My {Grace Filled} Mess: real rest

We're finally here. Our family is vacationing this week in Northern Michigan with my parents and brother and his family. I'm thankful for work that is flexible, house sitters back home, and family that we honestly love to be sharing a cottage with.

This has been a much anticipated and needed vacation. Work has been good but nonstop for Jamy and I. Parenting has been draining. Life has been rough lately. And rest is needed. Physical rest. Emotional rest. Even spiritual rest.

Although this week will be full of fun activities; a day trip to Mackinaw Island, the beach in Petoskey, and shopping in Harbor Springs, what I'm most looking forward to is the rest. No emails to respond to. No phone calls to answer. No household chores. This week will be full of reading for fun, playing card games with my family, staying up late with good conversation, and relaxing in the hot tub. Blissful.

But this only happens about once a year for our family. I'm thankful I was taught early as a young mama that I needed to carve out these times of rest into my daily life rather than just a scheduled time away from home once or twice a year.

A run after the family is up and out of the house.

Taking advantage of nap time with coffee and a good book.

Making the time for a doing my own pedicure.

Time spent with Jesus after the kids go to bed.

Good conversation with Jamy that's more about our hearts than logistics.

Because let's get real. A vacation is also filled with stress: the packing and unpacking, tired kiddos and planning activities for everyone from baby to grandparents, rain that spoils plans, and driving. Everywhere. For days on end.

And if I'm honest, finding real rest in my real life takes way more effort. My type A personality only likes to rest when the work is done. When the house is clean, my to do list is checked off, and I feel like life has slowed down enough for me to slow down.

Rest isn't just needed on yearly vacations. It's needed in the daily rhythms of our lives. Space to rest our mind and our heart. Times to refocus when we've gotten too concerned with the things around us rather than the things that really matter.

Creating a home rather than just maintaining a household.

Sowing into our children's hearts rather than just managing their behavior.

Listening to God rather than checking off a box on the reading plan.

Refueling our hearts with what matters rather than running and striving and doing.?

Because real rest, lasting rest, is only found in resting in Christ. His finished work on the cross. Finding real peace and contentment in knowing the real work is done, even when there are dishes to be washed and emails to be written. ?

Source: http://gracefilledmess.blogspot.com/2013/07/real-rest.html

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