Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Try a Taste of FXI Cotton Candy

We first reported a prototype of the FXI Cotton Candy in November 2011, and a new updated version is now available for pre-order for $199 with limited availability in March 2012. As a quick reminder, the Cotton Candy is a self contained USB memory stick sized computer device that allows users to connect to personal [...]


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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Builders Insurance - Essential Tool in Construction Industry

Fatalities in construction industry are common. Construction workers, business owners and even general public are always at risk of accidents at construction sites. Not only the people are at risk, there are many chances of material and machinery damage.

These unwanted issues at construction sites can be very burdensome for builders, contractors or business owners. These issues can cost them thousands of pounds. Therefore, it is essential for a builder or contractor to have something in hand that can save him from this financial burden.

Builders insurance policy
Builders insurance is a broad term covering all kinds of risks associated with the construction business such as death, injury or material damage. A comprehensive package covers all individual insurance policies like public liability insurance, employee liability insurance, machinery insurance, and personal accident insurance for each of the above risks as they all are covered under a single policy.

Here, we will discuss about the potential risks at construction site and how a tailor made builders insurance policy helps in each case.

Construction sites ? risky work locations
Constructing a facility is not a one day task or a one man job. It takes many days of work, requires huge man power and wide range of machinery. As people work at elevated heights, handling heavy and dangerous equipment, their lives are always in danger. Every worker including the owner of the company and the neighbors are vulnerable to accidents at construction site.

Workers are prone to injuries and accidents
Workers and other employees working at a construction site are at risk of accidents and injuries. As their work involves manual labor and critical machines, they are highly prone to injuries and disablement or sometimes death. Since the employees are injured at work, employer is liable to pay related medical expenses and other costs. In such cases, having employers liability insurance helps the owner in paying the cost of the claim.

Building activities could injure/kill public
Not only the workers, but other people who are not related to the business such as neighbors, visitors, clients, etc., present in and around the site can fall victims to the accidents at construction sites. They can sue the owner for this unfortunate incident. In such cases, public liability insurance saves the policy holder from the related unexpected expenses like medical costs, etc.

Material and machinery damage
Material and machinery damage may occur due to a natural calamity or human error or during transit. Moreover, as the materials and machinery used at construction sites are costly, they are often prone to thefts. Companies or builders having builders all risks insurance or machinery insurance can effectively face these situations as they can repurchase the material or machinery using the reimbursed amount. These policies provide cover for the equipment used at the construction site.

Personal accidents may keep owners away from work
Having a personal accident insurance policy is very important, especially for the builders, since they spend most of their time on the risky construction sites. As an owner, one cannot sue his own company and file for a compensation claim when he gets injured at construction site. Thus, personal insurance policy helps builders or contractors to protect themselves from such incidents. This is highly useful for business owners, partners and company directors.

All the above mentioned policies are essential for every builder as they are effective in covering all the possible risks and damages. However, it is better to approach a reputed insurance brokerage firm to find your exact requirements. He will offer impartial advise and will also help you in renewal process.

About Author Nate Rodney :

Keystone Insurance Group is a UK and Ireland's premier insurance brokerage firm specialized in business insurance solutions. They offer a broad range of insurance products to contractors and general business customers including public liability insurance and builders insurance.

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Article Added on Tuesday, February 28, 2012


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In What Way Can You Begin Your Internet Business With A Goal Of ...

February 26, 2012 ? Posted in Internet?

In What Way Can You Begin Your Internet Business With A Goal Of Becoming A Super Affiliate

What comes into your mind about a super affiliate? Is it a superman? It may not be. An excellent working approach that can earn you up to $ 100.000 would make a super affiliate.

If you are intending to make money online through an internet business, a certain fact shall be taken into consideration: you can never achieve the pick of success if you don?t belong to a group of super affiliates.

1. There Are Three Steps To Be Followed In Starting An Internet Business.

Step 1. Select the most gainful strategy to advance your affiliate business

Step 2. Select the best products in order for you to earn more money.

Step 3. Copy the marketing method from other super affiliate.

2. The Secret Of Becoming A Super Affiliate From An Ordinary Affiliate Has To Be Reflected.

The personality of a super affiliate must be knowledgeable knowing his annual income online reach to $ 100.000. Learning what to do is the explanation. The basic steps taken by a super affiliate is to begin your business, study it, experienced and learned the lessons well. Formulating an action plan and good method constitute in this game.

Working with the best selling affiliate programs and product principals are being tackled by supper affiliates. Super affiliates only want to belong to the winning groups.

3. Quality Products Offered to Customers That They Can Relate To.

It is important to join in several occasions such as internet marketing forums and discussion groups to be able to see quality products, commission opportunities, and outstanding selling programs. There will be no regrets if a person is fully-equipped of knowledge before one initiates of planning how to start an internet business

Like the hosting service and business opportunity, the different products offered should be without a doubt related to one another. The value of the product also consists of discussion forum, upline help, payment procedures, online help, and refund possibility. By the time a marketer thinks on how to begin this business then these are basic issues to be checked.

To be able to have a profit online, about 20 different products to advertise is needed by an affiliate. Some improved products will be launched over the time.

4. Bring More Visitors To Your Website.

Many website visitors will see your site that is why you have to put it in your plan of how to initiate an internet business and make profit online. Bring your site to your clients for them to know.

Take part in this numbers game as previously learned in the first plan about starting this type of business. About 1 -2 % will check the affiliate link from the people visiting you site. Only 1 out of 200 website visitors will buy the product, so in order to get more sales, more clickers are needed.

The idea concerning the numbers game does not alter even if the numbers will vary from website to website. Far from your expectation you will really need for more visitors to your website.

Act like a super affiliate when you try plan on how to start an internet business. Targets shall be at the topmost level and be passionate as you can be. Prepare yourself to be called a super affiliate.

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Monday, February 27, 2012

Newt Gingrich Fights For Georgia Primary Win

By Deborah Charles
ATLANTA, Feb 25 - Only a month ago, Newt Gingrich was atop the Republican presidential race. Now he is in a fight for a win even in his home state of Georgia as his campaign stakes its future on the Super Tuesday primaries.
Two polls out of three in recent days show Gingrich running a close race in the state with either Mitt Romney or Rick Santorum, who is making inroads with the large number of evangelical Republicans in Georgia. But he will take hope that one of those polls gave him a healthy lead of 13 percentage points over Santorum and 19 over Romney.
A loss in Georgia, the biggest of the 10 states holding contests on Super Tuesday on March 6, would deal a severe blow to any chance Gingrich has of winning the Republican nomination.
"It's incredibly important to Gingrich to win Georgia if he hopes to launch his 'Southern strategy,'" said Merle Black, professor of politics at Emory University in Atlanta.
Gingrich has put Georgia at the heart of his strategy to win southern states and come back from a dramatic fall since his big win in the South Carolina primary on Jan. 21. The former House of Representatives speaker went on to lose badly to Romney in Florida and suffered from the rise of Santorum as the more conservative choice among Republicans.
Gingrich decided to forgo campaigning heavily for Tuesday's primaries in Arizona and Michigan, the next states to vote in the Republican nominating process to decide who will face President Barack Obama in November's presidential election.
He launches a two-day bus tour of Georgia on Tuesday to try to shore up support after Santorum made waves in the state last Sunday with a visit to a megachurch where 3,000 worshippers gave him a standing ovation.
Polls show Santorum and Gingrich are vying for support of voters who identify themselves as "somewhat conservative" or "very conservative," Merle said.
Kathy Hildebrand, the Georgia field director for Santorum, said the church event surpassed expectations and generated hundreds of new volunteers.
"Three weeks ago there was no structure for a campaign for Santorum in Georgia," said Hildebrand.

A poll early this week by Insider Advantage set off alarm bells for Gingrich, who was at 26 percent support, followed by Romney 2 percentage points behind and Santorum another point down. That was a dramatic change from earlier polls that gave Gingrich a double-digit lead.
"It is possible that Gingrich could lose his own congressional district," said Mark Rountree, a Republican political consultant and pollster. "He has to win his congressional district and the state."
Romney, a former Massachusetts governor, is strong in Atlanta's northern suburbs, part of the congressional district that Gingrich represented for around 20 years.
But Gingrich can take hope from a Landmark-Rosetta Stone poll done on Thursday that showed him with a 13-point lead in Georgia over second-placed Santorum. A Rasmussen poll released the same day had Gingrich in the lead over Santorum by 5 percentage points.
Often criticized for being irascible, the former history professor has toned down and, when asked in a CNN debate to chose one word to describe himself, chose "cheerful."
Gingrich is in a trap of his own making after telling Fox News before the latest polls were released that if any of the candidates lost their home state they would have "very, very badly weakened candidacies." Romney is struggling to stay ahead of Santorum in a tight race in Michigan, where he was born and his father served as governor.
Many voters in Gringrich's own home state may be waiting to see who wins in Michigan and Arizona before committing to the former speaker.
"I like him, but he's not a front-runner," said one woman in northern Atlanta, who refused to give her name. "So I'll vote for Romney or Santorum, I'm just not sure which yet."

Hammering on a message he hoped would help him muscle back into the race, Gingrich has been the most vocal of the Republican candidates on a key voter concern: gasoline prices that have soared to almost $4 a gallon.
"I'm pretty sure I can get you between $2 and $2.50 through the free market without being dishonest," he told voters in Washington state. President Barack Obama on Friday described Republican promises of lower gas prices as "phony."
Much of Gingrich's fall from the top of the pack was due to negative TV and online ads sponsored by the Restore Our Future "Super PAC," or political action committee, that supports Romney.
Ads portraying Gingrich as a Washington insider and supporter of big government helped Romney bring him down in the Florida primary.
While attacking Santorum in other states, the Romney Super PAC is sticking with an anti-Gingrich ad in Georgia and has bought some $1.1 million worth of air time through Super Tuesday. The group has also reported spending around $82,000 in the state on Internet advertising against Gingrich.
Matt Towery, a former Gingrich campaign adviser from the 1990s but no longer affiliated with him, said Gingrich needed to counter negative ads against him by airing his own in Georgia.
"The barrage of negative ads that Gingrich is sustaining in Georgia is having an effect on his otherwise natural likelihood to win the state," said Towery.
"I think there will be a natural settling point but it's going to be problematic for him if he doesn't get on the air."
One hope for Gingrich to win in Georgia is that Santorum fails to take Michigan, giving the former speaker a chance at rebounding as the conservative alternative to Romney.
"It's possible Newt could get another look as the anti-Romney. I think there are probably some more twists and turns here," said Republican strategist Matt Mackowiak. (Additional reporting by Andy Sullivan and Alina Selyukh; Editing by Alistair Bell and Eric Walsh)

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Friday, February 24, 2012

T-Mobile LTE: How is that going to work? (Digital Trends)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Digital Trends - Number four U.S. mobile carrier T-Mobile is attempting to shake off the dust of the abandoned takeover effort from AT&T, announcing a revamped ???Challenger Strategy??? that is intended to make the carrier more competitive against the likes of Sprint, AT&T, and the top U.S. mobile operator, Verizon Wireless. Of course, being competitive in the mobile market these days means moving towards 4G LTE technology ??? and that???s exactly what T-Mobile says it???s going to do, announcing plans to begin deploying LTE services in 2013. Furthermore, T-Mobile is going to re-jigger its network, drastically cutting back services for its 2G/EDGE customers in order to boost its HSPA+ high-speed broadband offerings ??? and, in so doing, make its network more interoperable with AT&T. That, in turn, could pave the way toward T-Mobile eventually being able to offer Apple???s iPhone.


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Jupiter, Venus & Moon Line Up This Weekend: How to Watch Online (

[unable to retrieve full-text content] - Jupiter, Venus and the moon will line up in an impressive triple play this weekend, and skywatchers won't even have to venture outside to see it.


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Thursday, February 23, 2012

AMD Piledriver cores will clock over 4GHz, employ 'resonant clock mesh'

AMD's Trinity APU can do some remarkable things, but we still don't know exactly what magic ingredients make its Piledriver cores superior to the tepidly received Bulldozer. Now though, a firm called Cyclos claims it's supplying 'resonant clock mesh' power-saving technology for use in the new module. In speaking to the media, it's revealed that this will help to enable a "4+ GHz" factory clock speed, which sounds high if it definitely refers to an integrated chip with low-power credentials. As for the resonant clock mesh itself, it's a bit like KERS for processors: it recycles clock power instead of letting it dissipate and thereby enables higher clock speeds in "next generation SoCs that also require ultra-low power consumption." We also know that the technology is financially backed by ARM and Siemens and has seen precious little implementation prior to AMD -- which is fine, so long as all that resonance doesn't make our rig hum even louder.

AMD Piledriver cores will clock over 4GHz, employ 'resonant clock mesh' originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 22 Feb 2012 07:59:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Managed Computing Business - IT SE28 Solutions, Consulting 2011 ...

computing IT SE28You?ll find several factors why a firm should seriously take into consideration hiring managed IT SE28?services to assist move their business forward. Devoid of a maximized workflow and optimally functioning technology, a enterprise could shed useful information via complications that might arise. No matter what size firm you are dealing with, be sure you take into account finding a service which can help you with all the heavy lifting. Unless you are going to begin an in-house IT department, you will must contemplate enhancing your enterprise with an outsourced tech team. You will discover 3 main reasons why picking out an outside IT organization is a good selection.

Danger Management ? Any time you hire a tech business to deal with laptop or computer assistance services, it is possible to feel confident inside your office technologies and focus on organization operations. As an alternative to hiring an in-house team that would take up space and resources within your spot of small business, you will instead decrease the risks involved with hiring, insurance and significantly a lot more by merely obtaining an IT service that is definitely separate from your business place.

Infrastructure Control ? If you are coping with personal computer networking, technologies, web pages and significantly much more, you?ll must have full control more than updating and main processes that make them function. This can be particularly accurate if you are running a shopping cart software on your site. With out control, you will not be moving forward with infrastructure. As an example, if the network goes down at any given moment, you?ll end up getting peace of mind due to the fact you?ll be able to get your web page back in working order right away, as an alternative to getting to wait for your tech team to arrive at the office.

Much less Function, Additional Efficiency ? The primary reason why you may need a service of this sort is due to the fact it will mean much less operate in the long term. Your tasks will not be associated with technologies, and rather your business enterprise can move forward with relative ease. In-house staff generally occasions have much more function to do than just focus on the managing of technological advances, which can occasionally bottleneck specific aspects of infrastructure. By removing that element, and finding a service, you can make certain that organization is moving forward at all hours in the day as well as night if require be.
The aforementioned causes are just some examples to think about when deciding no matter whether or not to employ an IT enterprise for personal computer support services. Services are varied and you can find a lot much more arguments both for and against hiring outsourced IT providers. The above are just a couple of causes that ought to help keep you motivated in hiring a team that?s currently working in technologies, as an alternative to trying to construct a ?dream team? for yourself. You can invest month after month wanting to figure out who to choose to come on board and aid together with your tech wants, or it is possible to let the specialists deal with your wants with relative ease. By hiring an outside firm, you may also be saving a tremendous amount of cash that would otherwise be spent on an in-house IT SE28?department. The long term savings will trump the costs that you simply would need to invest in finding and forming a suitable team to manage all tech help. Outside firms have encounter and staff to deal with any and all demands that arise, so your small business is covered.

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Spike in poaching threatens rhinos once facing extinction

By Meghan Frank and Jessica Hopper
Rock Center

In South Africa, home to three quarters of the last remaining rhinos on the planet, conservationists, private game reserve owners and security forces are waging a desperate battle against poachers intent on killing the country?s rhinos for their lucrative horns.?

?It is an epidemic.? It?s a war that right now we?re losing,? Graeme Rushmere said.? ?It?s not a South African issue as such, it?s really a global issue.?

Rushmere owns Kariega Game Reserve, a nearly 25,000 acre private reserve. The reserve is home to critically endangered black rhinos and white rhinos.?

Rhinos have roamed the Earth for millions of years, but at the turn of the twentieth century there were only about 50 white rhinos left in the world. All were in South Africa. Over the course of several decades, South Africans brought the white rhino back from the brink of extinction.? Through incredible conservation work, there are almost 20,000 white rhinos today. The recent spike in poaching has South Africans worried that all of their hard work to save the rhino will be reversed.

Just a decade ago, only about a dozen rhinos were poached each year.? Last year, poachers killed more than 400 rhinos.

For Graeme Rushmere and his friend and neighbor Dr. Will Fowlds, the fight to stop the poaching is personal. They lost one of their beloved rhinos, Geza, after his horn was brutally hacked off by poachers.

?We called him Geza which means ?the naughty one,?? Fowlds said in an interview to air Wednesday night on NBC's Rock Center with Brian Williams.? ?It was because he had such a naughty playful character.?

Fowlds is a wildlife veterinarian and co-owner of a wild game reserve named Amakhala.

Fowlds has dedicated his life to caring for animals and restoring their habitats, especially the rhinoceros. He still remembers the first rhino that was ever brought to his property. It was Geza?s mother.

?When she stepped off that vehicle and walked out onto that plain and started grazing immediately, it was as if something just fell into place,? Fowlds said.?

His first rhino became pregnant with Geza. When he was born, the mom put her baby calf on display.

?It was as if she wanted to show it to the world.? She was so proud of her little son. So those were special days,? Fowlds said.

When Geza was three, Fowlds sold him to Rushmere as a way to help grow the rhino population.

?Geza was one of our first four rhino that we introduced back into that wilderness area that basically then had rhino back on it for the first time in probably 160, 170 years,? Rushmere said.??

In February of last year, Rushmere received a devastating call that poachers had attacked Geza and that incredibly, he was still alive.? Rushmere alerted Fowlds who rushed to the reserve.

?I went in by myself and when I came around the corner and first saw him, obviously the first thing that strikes you is that there?s an animal that?s supposed to have horns on it and not only were the horns gone, but a large part of his face was missing too,? Fowlds said through tears.? ?It was just an all consuming sight of pain and agony and confusion.? It was an awful thing.?

Rarely are poached rhinos found alive. The poachers had knocked Geza out with a tranquilizer dart and then hacked through his skull with a machete to get every inch of his horn.

?I couldn?t explain why, why someone would do such a thing, but to be there with that animal, I just, I just kept on saying, I?m so sorry boy,? Fowlds said.

Fowlds examined Geza and knew he could not be saved.? Before putting the rhino to sleep, he made an agonizing decision to bring a cameraman to document the rhino?s suffering. He hopes the footage will help raise awareness.

?I still don?t know if I did the right thing.? I think that will only be known when I see results, if I see the level of poaching start to decrease,? Fowlds said.? ?Maybe I can say to myself, well part of that had something to do with those images we were able to show the world, but at this stage, I still don?t know if I made the right decision.?

Hundreds of rhinos like Geza are under brutal and bloody assault because of an increasing demand for rhino horn in Asia.

?The worrying thing is if the escalation continues for another one or two more years at this rate, we will very soon start to lose more animals than we can produce,? Fowlds said.

Tom Milliken monitors the illegal rhino horn trade for an organization called Traffic and links the uptick in poaching to increasing wealth and purchasing power in places like China and especially Vietnam.

?Vietnam?s entry into the trade is what has driven this upsurge that we?re witnessing now,? Milliken said.

On top of increased purchasing power, rhino horn is being marketed in a new way. Milliken said that the traditional medicine systems of Asia have long promoted rhino horn as a way to reduce fever and other ailments like nose bleeds, but an urban myth has recently taken hold that rhino horn can cure cancer. Scientists have studied rhino horn and found that its medicinal value is virtually non-existent.

?Suddenly rhino horn was being promoted in a very lucrative market as a miracle cure and that has led to just carnage in Africa and the highest prices for rhino horn that we?ve ever seen in its history,? Milliken said.?

An average sized rhino horn in Vietnam can sell for as much as a quarter of a million dollars, which makes rhino horn gram for gram more valuable than gold or cocaine.

?Highly orchestrated, highly choreographed? rings do the poaching and selling of the rhino horn, Milliken said.

Milliken explained the crime syndicates have ?the modern threads of technology: cell phones, computers, Internet.? They also use helicopters, GPS, thermal imaging and powerful medicine to tranquilize the rhinos. That medicine is typically only available to veterinarians, meaning that the very people who are supposed to care for the rhinos are assisting some of the poachers.

In South Africa, the upcoming trial involving two veterinarians, a helicopter pilot, a wild game reserve owner and others accused of slaughtering rhinos, has shocked the country.?

Desperate to stop the killing, several short-term measures have been taken to try and protect the animals.?

On the reserve where Geza was killed, owner Rushmere moved the remaining rhinos closer to the lodges where his anti-poaching patrol could keep watch on them. He also decided to dehorn several of his rhinos.?When done properly, it doesn?t hurt the rhino to have its horn cut off and the horn grows back. Graeme hopes the dehorning is just a temporary solution.

Neal Carter/NBC News

?They?re measures which make you feel you?re going backwards.? I mean to dehorn a rhino is defacing a beautiful animal and it?s just, it?s contrary to all of our gut instincts about conservation and wildlife, but it?s a life saving measure.? It?s one of those decisions. It?s a lose, lose scenario,? Rushmere said.

Lorinda Hern has taken an even more drastic measure. Her family owns the Rhino and Lion Nature Reserve outside of Johannesburg. They decided to inject the horns of their rhinos with a parasiticide that she claims is safe for the rhino, but would make humans sick.

?We?ve armed our rhinos. We?ve armed them.? We?ve treated their horns and if you do consume the horn, you do so at your peril.? I can guarantee you, it will not have the desired effect,? Hern said.

Hern and her family made the decision after two of their rhinos were killed.? The poachers used tranquilizer darts and the animals were found dead the next day.

?It?s still hard to speak about it because of the excessive cruelty of it.? If you do need to kill it, then just kill it.? Don?t make it suffer and it doesn?t understand what?s happening to it. It?s the most vile, inhumane act,? she said through tears.

Others have added microchips into the rhino?s horns and taken DNA samples that can be used to track rhino horn sold on the black market.

Most of South Africa?s rhinos roam the country?s large national parks, making them easy targets for poachers.

?It?s actually got to the stage now where we?re at home, the phone rings and you [are] now sort of terrified that it is another rhino,? said Rusty Hustler, head of security for South Africa?s North West Parks and Tourism Board.

Neal Carter/NBC News

The fight has turned deadly for humans too.?Twenty-six poachers were killed last year.

Hustler said that South Africa?s military has been deployed in some public parks to fight poachers. In others, park rangers have received paramilitary training and joined anti-poaching units.

At Pilanesberg, a park under Hustler?s watch, ecologist Stephen Dell said that it?s been several years since he has worried much about the balance of plant and animal life.? Instead, he?s become like a soldier fighting a war against the poachers.

?It is absolutely a war, they?re armed so we have to be armed?it?s difficult for us to stay one step ahead of them because they?re the ones who are prepared to take the risks and big risks.? People are dying in this, poachers are dying,? Dell said.

One member of the anti-poaching unit at Pilanesberg told NBC News that he?s willing to risk his life for the rhinos.

?It cannot defend itself. It doesn?t have a gun,? Mpho Motshegwe said.? ?Poachers have guns, so I?m willing to stand up and fight for the rhino because it can?t fight for itself.?

For Dell, the ecologist turned warrior, he fears we?re nearing a tipping point in the survival of the species.

?When you have done it for so long and there are very few success stories in conservation and the rhino is one,? Dell said.? ?Poaching is taking out animals that are young and female, they?re not going to breed.? They?re gone out of the system.? You?re going to go straight into a vortex of extinction and that?s how it happens.?

Editor's Note: Harry Smith's broadcast report, 'Last Stand,' airs Wednesday, Feb. 22 at 9pm/8c on NBC's Rock Center with Brian Williams.



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Monday, February 20, 2012

3 skiers killed in Wash. avalanche; 4th survived

King County Sheriff's officers and other emergency officials work along Highway 2 near Stevens Pass ski resort in Skykomish, Wash., near where three skiers were killed in an avalanche Sunday, Feb. 19, 2012. The avalanche swept the three skiers about a quarter-mile down an out-of-bounds canyon at the popular resort. A fourth skier caught up in the slide was saved by a safety device, authorities said. (AP Photo/The Seattle Times, Erika Schultz) MAGS OUT; NO SALES; SEATTLEPI.COM OUT; MANDATORY CREDIT

King County Sheriff's officers and other emergency officials work along Highway 2 near Stevens Pass ski resort in Skykomish, Wash., near where three skiers were killed in an avalanche Sunday, Feb. 19, 2012. The avalanche swept the three skiers about a quarter-mile down an out-of-bounds canyon at the popular resort. A fourth skier caught up in the slide was saved by a safety device, authorities said. (AP Photo/The Seattle Times, Erika Schultz) MAGS OUT; NO SALES; SEATTLEPI.COM OUT; MANDATORY CREDIT

Ajai Sehgal, with King County Search and Rescue, works at a staging area near Stevens Pass ski resort in Skykomish, Wash., near where three skiers were killed in an avalanche Sunday, Feb. 19, 2012. The avalanche swept the three skiers about a quarter-mile down an out-of-bounds canyon at the popular resort. A fourth skier caught up in the slide was saved by a safety device, authorities said. (AP Photo/The Seattle Times, Erika Schultz) MAGS OUT; NO SALES; SEATTLEPI.COM OUT; MANDATORY CREDIT

(AP) ? Well-equipped and familiar with the terrain, about a dozen expert skiers were making their way through a foot-and-a half of fresh snow when an avalanche hit them in an out-of-bounds area near a popular Washington ski resort.

Three men were killed Sunday when they were swept about a quarter-mile down a canyon, and a fourth skier caught up in the slide was saved by a safety device, authorities said. The large group had split into three smaller groups before the avalanche, but all the backcountry skiers were buried to some extent. Those who were able to free themselves rushed to dig out the victims and unsuccessfully performed CPR on the three, believed to be in their 30s and 40s.

"Most of the people involved in this were well-known to the ski community up here, especially to the ski patrol," said Deputy Chris Bedker of the King County Sheriff's search-and-rescue unit. "It was their friends who they recovered."

The Stevens Pass fatalities were part of a deadly Sunday on Washington ski slopes. A male snowboarder was killed in a separate avalanche incident at the Alpental ski area east of Seattle, authorities said.

The men who died on Stevens Pass tumbled approximately 1,500 feet down a chute in the Tunnel Creek Canyon area, King County Sheriff's Sgt. Katie Larson said.

The fourth skier who was swept down the mountain about 80 miles northeast of Seattle was a woman who appeared to avoid a similar fate because of the avalanche safety device she was wearing, Larson said. identified the survivor as professional skier Elyse Saugstad, who said she used an airbag after the avalanche hit. ESPN Freeskiing editor Megan Michelson was among the skiers and was uninjured, it said.

Michelson said the initial slide was about 30 feet wide and three feet deep, but quickly grew as it swept away Saugstad and the three victims.

Saugstad said she immediately deployed the airbag from her backpack, crediting it with saving her life.

"I was completely buried except for my head and hands" after coming to a rest, she said.

Two of the victims were found nearby, while the third was carried "several hundred feet" farther down the mountain, Saugstad said.

Michelson said the remaining skiers called for help and skied the length of the avalanche track looking for victims, Michelson said.

"The debris pile at the bottom was massive," Michelson said.

Initial reports of the avalanche reached the sheriff's office just after noon, and for some time it wasn't clear whether the other skiers had also been swept up in the slide.

The Northwest Weather and Avalanche Center on Sunday issued a warning for high avalanche danger for areas above 5,000 feet, saying warmer weather could loosen surface snow and trigger a slide on steeper slopes. The elevation of the avalanche wasn't immediately clear.

At mid-afternoon, the temperature at the base of the Stevens Pass ski resort was 24 degrees, with light winds and good visibility. The temperature at the top of the mountain was 22 degrees, according to the resort's website.

John Gifford, the ski area's general manager, said Sunday that the resort had received 19 inches of snow in the past 24 hours.

He described the area as a popular backcountry skiing zone that can be easily accessed from the resort.

He said the slopes there are steeper than at the resort and lack the resort's avalanche control

"You need to be a highly skilled skier to do that," he said.

Stevens Pass is one of the most popular outdoor recreation areas in the state, with visitors flocking to the scenic site to go cross-country, back-country and downhill skiing, as well as snowshoeing and backpacking.

Across the West, there had been 13 avalanche deaths this season as of Thursday, according to the Colorado Avalanche Information Center, which tracks avalanche deaths in the U.S.

Experts have said the risk of additional slides in the region could remain high all season. They attribute the dangers in part to a weak base layer of snow caused by a dry winter.

Avalanche deaths are more common in the backcountry than at ski resorts. Out of about 900 avalanche deaths nationwide since the winter of 1950-51, 32 were within terrain that was open for riding at ski resorts, according to the Utah Avalanche Center.


Associated Press Writer Gene Johnson in Seattle contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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The Impact Of Accurate Wrist Pain Diagnoses

Published by Sherry | February 19, 2012 | | 9

As the wrist absorbs many kinds of pressure, we feel the pain as an end result. With this, we need to have an accurate?wrist pain diagnosis?from a health practitioner. There are many causes of wrist pain like injuries from sports or repetitive movements like typing or drumming. The wrist is one of the hardworking joints in our body. It attaches our hands to our arms and as it works almost every second as we go around with our daily activities, wrist pain cannot be avoided. Complaints on this kind of aches have bothered many people for a long time and it is important to get a wrist pain diagnosis to understand its causes.

Wrist pain diagnosis, as mentioned above, starts by determining the cause of the pain that has inflicted your wrist. If you had previous ligament sprains, fractures or cartilage tears, it is possible that you will experience wrist pain due to the result of such impacts on the area when it is being used.

The?wrist pain diagnosis?may say that it can possibly pop, or, worse, you would not be able to fully move your hands and arms due to the pain.

A repetitive strain that injures the wrist called tendonitis also causes pain and inflammation in the area. Wrist pain diagnosis also includes looking into fractures on the wrist bone that likewise give you pain, swelling and skin discoloration. Carpal tunnel also causes the pain as it starts with numbness or tingling sensations in the wrist and gradually goes up to the arms. These injuries are very important things to be considered in order for a doctor to come up with an accurate wrist pain diagnosis.

Treatments to wrist pain also vary depending on the?wrist pain diagnosis?regarding on the damage that it has taken from the pressure or previous injuries that you have experienced.

Based on your wrist pain diagnosis, anti-inflammatory medicines and cold compress usually help heal wrist pain from minor damages like small ligament or cartilage tears. Torn ligaments will require a splint in order to prevent major movements during the healing period.

After going through a wrist pain diagnosis, you physician may advise you to rest to prevent further damage and pain. He will advise you with a number of wrist pain prevention tips according to your wrist pain diagnosis in order to avoid more pain in the future. You will be required to wear protective gears for your wrist if you need to play sports. With your doctor?s wrist pain diagnosis, correct posture and the use of ergonomic devices will also be advised help prevent wrist pains from repetitive hand activities that may lead to carpal tunnel syndrome.



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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Guide To Affordable Web Hosting

Published by carol | February 18, 2012 | | 63

Having a state-of-the-art website with the latest technical details incorporated into it will not suffice the purpose at all if there is no reliable web hosting service to support the online representation of your business enterprise. Web hosting can be very expensive and therefore it becomes imperative that one takes some time out to find affordable web hosting services.

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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Learn How Internet Marketing Can Give Your Business a Boost ...

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With the advent of the web, marketing has taken a whole new change.

There are main differences in how things are marketed online when compared to days prior to the net. Online marketing has created numerous new opportunities for all kinds of businesses and has played an increasingly large role in global commerce. We see some of the biggest companies now putting their own efforts in to online marketing. Online marketing is nothing but promoting your own products/services to the on the internet crowd.

One of the reasons that internet marketing has proven to be so effective is that the internet is a extremely interactive medium. There is no way to deny how profitable online marketing can be, much more so than traditional methods for promoting your product or service. In the brief history of the internet, many millions have been made by people who have learned the nuts and bolts of marketing on the internet. The internet represents a vast, on the internet gold mine for anybody who has the desire and determination to learn how online marketing works. So when a person hear someone turning into a good Internet Millionaire, then it?s a well known fact.

In this article all of us shall be considering the various advantages Internet marketing has and why you should get into it.

Online marketing offers business people the ability to create far more some time and freedom than the usual regular business can. You?ve complete control over how big or even small you want your business to expand. The advantage of having such complete control over your business means that you can customize your own working hours to suit your personal purposes. When you go through the early stages of setting up your online advertising business, you can begin to outsource the majority of the function, which will permit you to spend more time with your loved ones. The majority of offline businesses place high demands on your some time and resources. There?s lots of time drawn in managing as well as actively manning your business. However, you have a distinct advantage with an internet business that means your business is completely controlled by your choices. On top of this, after that you can expand your web business to any level that suits you without the added tension of stressing about expenses. There are interesting attributes we all have simply because we are human, and this applies very highly to suspending initial impressions if they seem negative until you have a complete picture. Yes, it does have a certain amount associated with psychological danger to consider some thing you make factor just doesn?t work. A great many people are far too negative and skeptical about internet marketing methods and maybe even a href=? cleaner brisbane/a ? we do not understand. It is usually the beginners who can sometimes be easily deceived, and thus if you are a new comer to this take a look around as well as do some extra reading.

It is people who are probably a little too gullible and think everything these people read that always enter trouble. Presently there really are a large amount of people, all of us assume according to what we have read, who simply blindly buy things they think works great and maybe never actually try them. Internet marketers who are eager or simply don?t know are at the best risk. We are not worried about what we are suggesting about these days, but since you don?t know us ? after that that means you need to verify everything. That is a habit worth creating because sooner or later along the collection it will serve you very well.

Past this, there aren?t many expenses required to maintain an internet business. There really aren?t numerous expenses to keep your online business running efficiently; it can be easily done with an every week budget associated with $25 or much less. This includes all your expenses for example web hosting charges, fees for your merchant account, email autoresponder, etc. It must be acknowledged the less money a person invest in your online business, the longer it will take to become profitable. But having this choice is luxurious as you don?t have it in the other companies. Most of the times you must have a lot of cash to get going or you merely can?t.

In conclusion, Online marketing is easier than you think. However it can be difficult should you aren?t ready to put in the effort. Don?t search for a shortcut which will give you instant riches.

It is a real business and you have to set up the effort to consider it forward.

The methods involving a href=? carpet cleaning/a we have just talked about are shown to bring the outcomes you need to include positive development to your business. One thing worth note is the difference in the attitudes business people bring to the table. More often than not all of us produce the conditions which are a reflection of methods we think, not to mention we are talking about the context of business. Aside from that consideration, you will discover other behaviour including individuals with very high goals and the drive to reach them along with just average results companies. If you have unsuccessful one hundred times over the years, well things are not over yet; you know a bit more and can discover the rest. Take some time to become more aware of the exact things you decide to think or even do each day; we think you might be surprised.


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Friday, February 17, 2012

Denied jobs, blacks in Iowa test new bias theory

(AP) ? After years of litigation, a judge will soon decide whether to grant thousands of black employees and job applicants monetary damages for hiring practices used by every agency of Iowa state government that they say has disadvantaged them for decades.

Experts say the case is the largest class-action lawsuit of its kind against an entire state government's civil service system, and tests a legal theory that social science and statistics alone can prove widespread discrimination.

The plaintiffs ? up to 6,000 African-Americans passed over for state jobs and promotions dating back to 2003 ? do not say they faced overt racism or discriminatory hiring tests in Iowa, a state that is 91 percent white. Instead, their lawyers argue that managers subconsciously favored whites across state government, leaving blacks at a disadvantage in decisions over who got interviewed, hired and promoted.

Judge Robert Blink's decision, expected in coming weeks, could award damages and mandate changes in state personnel policies or dismiss a case that represents a growing front of discrimination litigation.

Similar cases against local governments have failed because proving broad bias is extraordinarily difficult, with a myriad of possible factors to explain disparities, said David Friedland, a California human resources consultant who is an expert on discrimination in hiring. Success in Iowa could encourage similar lawsuits elsewhere, he said.

"If they are successful in getting the court to agree to that, it probably will come up more," Friedland said. "A monetary award in a case like this is likely to be pretty substantial. ... It will be interesting to see how it comes out."

University of Washington psychology professor Anthony Greenwald, an expert on implicit bias who testified on behalf of the plaintiffs, said the decision would be one of the first of its kind because similar cases against corporations have usually been dismissed or settled before trial.

"The decision will be important. It will be certainly looked at outside of Iowa," he said.

Scholars and employment lawyers have shown a growing interest in implicit bias in the last several years, after Greenwald and other scientists developed the Implicit Association Test to test racial stereotypes. Their research found an inherent preference for whites over blacks ? in up to 80 percent of test-takers and among many people who do not consider themselves racist.

The theory hit a legal obstacle last year when the U.S. Supreme Court disqualified a class-action lawsuit against Wal-Mart's pay and promotion practices for women. The court found the class was too broad and failed to challenge a specific hiring practice as discriminatory.

Lawyers defending the state have cited that decision in asking Blink to dismiss the case. But the high court's decision did not specifically reject the theory of implicit bias, and dissenting Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote that such claims can be allowed.

Class attorney Thomas Newkirk said the science and other evidence that shows disadvantaged groups such as blacks face employment discrimination in subtle ways "is becoming overwhelming."

"Clearly, the problem is not in Iowa alone, but we believe Iowa is the exactly the right place to ask society to take control of this important issue fairly for all races, and to seek a better future for all as a result," he said.

During a monthlong trial last fall, experts called by the plaintiffs' lawyers testified that blacks are hired at lower rates than whites with similar qualifications and receive less favorable evaluations and lower starting salaries. An employment consultant hired by the administration of Gov. Tom Vilsack, who served from 1999 to 2007, warned of hiring disparities between whites and minorities in a report issued after he left office.

Vilsack's successor, Democratic Gov. Chet Culver, issued an executive order requiring agencies to improve the diversity of the workforce. State officials called that evidence of progress, but class lawyers argued it turned out to be ineffective because rules meant to prevent bias still were not followed.

Republican Gov. Terry Branstrad said last fall his administration had ensured agencies were following uniform rules to stop any abuse ? but a top state employment official testified days later he'd seen no substantive changes to hiring practices in years. Blacks represented 2.9 percent of the state's population in 2010 and 2.4 percent of the state workforce.

Among those who testified was Charles Zanders, of Waterloo, who was passed over for an interview for a position with the Iowa Communications Network in 2008 despite having worked 29 years in the telecommunications industry.

"I was very angry at that time and felt like I'd been stepped on," Zanders, 60, said.

In a brief submitted in December, plaintiffs' lawyers sought lost wages of about $67 million minus what they earned in the meantime. But in court documents, Newkirk said it was even more important that Blink order changes in the way state officials train managers, screen candidates and track disparities in hiring.

Lawyers working for Attorney General Tom Miller, a Democrat, argued that the plaintiffs failed to show bias across state government.

"The record simply does not support Plaintiffs' charge that some monolithic, immutable force of bias infected the decisions made by every department, at every step, for every job, for every year of the class period," they wrote in a final brief last month.

Associated Press


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Apple previews Mac OS update, Mountain Lion

This screen shot shows the sneak peak of Apple's new operating system "OS X Mountain Lion," to be released this summer. Mountain Lion introduces Messages, Notes, Reminders and Game Center to the Mac, as well as Notification Center, Share Sheets, Twitter integration and AirPlay? Mirroring. (AP Photo/Apple Inc.)

This screen shot shows the sneak peak of Apple's new operating system "OS X Mountain Lion," to be released this summer. Mountain Lion introduces Messages, Notes, Reminders and Game Center to the Mac, as well as Notification Center, Share Sheets, Twitter integration and AirPlay? Mirroring. (AP Photo/Apple Inc.)

This screen shot shows the sneak peak of Apple's new operating system "OS X Mountain Lion," to be released this summer. Mountain Lion introduces Messages, Notes, Reminders and Game Center to the Mac, as well as Notification Center, Share Sheets, Twitter integration and AirPlay? Mirroring. (AP Photo/Apple Inc.)

(AP) ? Apple Inc. on Thursday released a developer preview of an update for the Mac operating system, dubbed "Mountain Lion," that will copy more features and apps from the iPhone and iPad to the Mac.

Apple said the new software will be on sale this summer, a year after it released the latest update, "Lion." The preview version will help software developers make products that take advantage of the new features of the operating system.

Mountain Lion will include Game Center, an iPhone app which stores high game scores and helps users find opponents. It will be integrated with iCloud, the new Internet storage service designed for the mobile devices.

The new Messages app, also copied from the mobile operating system, will replace iChat. Lion users can download a preview version of the app for free.

A new Notification Center will show alerts from email and calendar programs, just like on the iPhone.

Apple started the trend of making its Mac operating system more like its phone and tablet operating system, iOS, with the release of Lion. It borrowed phone features like a screen that shows all installed apps, and expanded the range of gestures that can be used to control a MacBook through the touchpad.

The Cupertino, California-based company sells Lion for $30. It didn't say what Mountain Lion would cost.

Apple has been growing Mac sales in a nearly stagnant PC market, but the sales aren't growing as fast as those of the iPhone. In 2010, iPhone sales overtook those of Macs for the first time.

Apple has been using the names of big cats to differentiate its OS versions since 2001.

Microsoft Corp. is set to release Windows 8 later this year, and a preview version is already in developer hands. It, too, will be borrowing features from phone software, and one version of the operating system will run on phone-style chips, as opposed to the Intel-style chips that have been the bedrock of Microsoft software since the 1980s.

Associated Press


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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Finance Assistance For Court Law suits | eMob

February 15th, 2012

Structured settlement is probably not part of your everyday vocabulary, however it is significant to those who have one or two deals with an insurance agency. It is an settlement on which an insurance firm agrees to provide settlement at specific periods to some client of an injury accident based on the cash compensated as settlement deal.

Structured settlements are created to help accident victims with the confidence that they?ll always have funds to cover what ever health-related expenses they might have in the future. In addition, the primary merit from the package is to save on taxes considering that the deal drastically lessens the victims? tax obligations.

People who might be reduced to using a wheelchair or those that will need some varieties of medical apparatus every often, may require extra fee to be made at specified times whenever they need to purchase these things. There are a variety of ways you could design these settlement to match your specific requirements.

Should the phrase structured settlement is mentioned what normally one thinks of is a kind of money program designed by insurance firms geared to compensate an insurance plan owner or his or her family. Occasionally immediate settlement will be made to be able to help alleviate particular impairs which is being felt or that may be experienced in the long run.

One good thing about a structured settlement annuity is the opportunity it provides so that payments can be tailored to cover a longer period of time that could even extend to a throughout a person?s life time. What?s more, if it happens that the payee dies a determined amount on the settlement can be made out to his family members.

Although structured settlement appears not to be without disadvantages, yet there are some occasions when some individual will rather not embrace the package. In such cases there are other alternatives to structured settlement, especially when the individual would love to be given a huge sum of money to avoid waiting to be paid on monthly basis for life.

Are you aware of how a structured settlement is structured? One thing about the method of structuring the settlement is that it?s very common with just about every one. The money that is owed to you shall be distributed evenly for each month this will amount to what you?ll be getting from month to month.

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Article Source: eMob.

Categories: Law


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